The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East
Published by Oxford University Press and envisioned as the successor of the much loved but now sadly out of date Cambridge Ancient History series, the Oxford History of the Ancient Near East strives for a comprehensive, comparative and integrative approach to writing the history of the communities and states of Western Asia and Egypt from prehistory to the conquests of Alexander the Great. The work of a diverse group of international and internationally recognized scholars, the five volumes are edited by Karen Radner (LMU Munich), Nadine Moeller (Yale) and Dan Potts (NYU) and showcase the latest epigraphic and archaeological discoveries in 65 chapters that will be of use to both students and professionals alike.
The planning and editing of the series were greatly supported by LMU’s Center for Advanced Studies through fellowships awarded to Nadine Moeller and Dan Potts in 2016, 2017 and 2018. Editing the Oxford History of the Ancient Near East kept also a number of Karen Radner’s colleagues and students at LMU busy: Denise Bolton language-edited many of the chapters, Thomas Seidler checked and harmonised the bibliographies, Philip Seyr standardised Egyptian spellings, and Andrea Squitieri prepared the cartography for all chapters. The manuscript of the final volume was submitted to Oxford University Press in November 2021, and the book was published in April 2023.
Volume I: From the Beginnings to Old Kingdom Egypt and the Dynasty of Akkad (OUP 2021)
0: Introducing the Oxford History of the Ancient Near East (Karen Radner, Nadine Moeller, and D. T. Potts)
1: Prehistoric Western Asia (Peter M.M.G. Akkermans)
2: Prehistoric Egypt (E. Christiana Köhler)
3: The Uruk Phenomenon (Gebhard J. Selz)
4: Early Dynastic Egypt (Laurel Bestock)
5: Egypt's Old Kingdom: A View from Within (Miroslav Bárta)
6: Egypt's Old Kingdom in Contact with the World (Pierre Tallet)
7: Egypt's Old Kingdom: Perspectives on Culture and Society (Richard Bussmann)
8: The Early Dynastic Near East (Vitali Bartash)
9: The Kingdom of Akkad: A View from Within (Ingo Schrakamp)
10: The Kingdom of Akkad in Contact with the World (Piotr Michalowski)
Volume 2: From the End of the Third Millennium BC to the Fall of Babylon (OUP 2022)
11: Establishing an absolute chronology of the Middle Bronze Age (Felix Höflmayer)
12: Egypt in the First Intermediate Period (Juan Carlos Moreno García)
13: The kingdom of Ur (Steven J. Garfinkle)
14: The Middle East after the fall of Ur: Isin and Larsa (Klaus Wagensonner)
15: The Middle East after the fall of Ur: from Assur to the Levant (Ilya Arkhipov)
16: The Middle East after the Fall of Ur: from Ešnunna and the Zagros to Susa (Katrien De Graef)
17: Before the kingdom of the Hittites: Anatolia in the Middle Bronze Age (Gojko Barjamovic)
18: The kingdom of Babylon and the kingdom of the Sealand (Odette Boivin)
19: Egypt’s Middle Kingdom: a view from within (Harco Willems)
20: Middle Kingdom Egypt and Africa (Kathryn A. Bard)
21: Middle Kingdom Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean (Ezra S. Marcus)
22: Egypt’s Middle Kingdom: perspectives on culture and society (Wolfram Grajetzki)
Volume 3: From the Hyksos to the Late Second Millennium BC (OUP 2022)
23: The Hyksos State (Irene Forstner-Müller)
24: Upper Egypt before the New Kingdom (Daniel Polz)
25: Early Kush: the Kingdom of Kerma (Geoff Emberling and Elizabeth Minor)
26: The New Kingdom of Egypt under the 18th Dynasty (Nicky Nielsen)
27: The New Kingdom of Egypt under the Ramesside Dynasty (Kathlyn M. Cooney)
28: Egypt’s New Kingdom in Contact with the World (Pierre Grandet)
29: Mittani and Its Empire (Eva von Dassow)
30: The Hittite Empire (Mark Weeden)
31: The Aegean in the Context of the Eastern Mediterranean World (Dimitri Nakassis)
32: Assyria in the Late Bronze Age (Hervé Reculeau)
33: Kassite Babylonia (Susanne Paulus)
34: Elam in the Late Bronze Age (Behzad Mofidi-Nasrabadi)
Volume 4: The Age of Assyria (OUP 2023)
35: Egypt before the Saites (Jean Li)
36: Kush under the Dynasty of Napata (Geoff Emberling)
37: Assyria from Tiglath-pileser I to Ashurnasirpal II (Daisuke Shibata)
38: The Assyrian Empire: A View from Within (Heather D. Baker)
39: The Assyrian Empire in Contact with the World (Jamie Novotny)
40: The Assyrian Empire: Perspectives on Culture and Society (Frederick Mario Fales)
41: Babylonia from Nebuchadnezzar I to Tiglath-pileser III (John P. Nielsen)
42: Elam in the Iron Age (Alexa Bartelmus)
43: The Medes and the Kingdom of Mannea (Andreas Fuchs)
44: The Kingdom of Urartu (Yervand Grekyan)
45: The Kingdom of Phrygia (Annick Payne)
46: The Iron Age States of Southeastern Anatolia and Northern Syria (Mark Weeden)
47: The Iron Age States on the Phoenician Coast (Françoise Briquel Chatonnet)
48: The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (Omer Sergi)
Volume 5: The Age of Persia (OUP 2023)
49: Saite Egypt (Alexander Schütze)
50: The Neo-Babylonian Empire (Michael Jursa)
51: The Kingdom of Lydia (Annick Payne)
52: The Southern Levant and Northern Arabia in the Iron Age (Juan Manuel Tebes)
53: Early Saba and Its Neighbors (Norbert Nebes)
54: The Persian Empire under the Teispid Dynasty: Emergence and Conquest (Matt Waters)
55: The Persian Empire under the Achaemenid Dynasty, from Darius I to Darius III (D.T. Potts)
56: The Satrapies of the Persian Empire: Persia and Elam (Gian Pietro Basello)
57: The Satrapies of the Persian Empire: Media and Armenia (Giusto Traina)
58: The Satrapies of the Persian Empire in Asia Minor: Lydia, Caria, Lycia, Phrygia, and Cappadocia (Hilmar Klinkott)
59: The Satrapies of the Persian Empire: Babylonia and Assyria (André Heller)
60: The Satrapies of the Persian Empire: Ebir-nari / Syria (Peter R. Bedford)
61: The Satrapies of the Persian Empire in Egypt (Damien Agut-Labordère)
62: The Northeastern Regions of the Persian Empire: Bactriana, Sogdiana, Margiana, Chorasmia, Aria, Parthia, the Sakas and the Dahae (Michele Minardi)
63: The Southeastern Regions of the Persian Empire on the Indo-Iranian Frontier: Arachosia, Drangiana, Gedrosia, Sattagydia, Gandhara and India (Pierfrancesco Callieri)
64: The Persian Empire in Contact with the World (Robert Rollinger)
65: The Persian Empire: Perspectives on Culture and Society (Maria Brosius)
Winner of the Frank Moore Cross Award
The American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR) awarded the Frank Moore Cross Award 2024 for "the most substantial volume(s) related to the history and/or religion of the ancient Near East and Eastern Mediterranean" to Karen Radner, Nadine Moeller and Dan Potts as the editors of the five-volume series The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East (Oxford University Press, 2020-2023). The photos show the award's official announcement on 22 November 2024 at the annual ASOR meeting in Boston and Nadine Moeller accepting the award on behalf of the team, together with Eckart Frahm who received the 2024 Nancy Lapp Popular Book Award. Congratulations and thanks to all our authors and everyone else involved!