Schellingstraße 9
Room 114
80799 München
Postal Address:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Department I - Germanistik, Komparatistik, Nordistik, Deutsch als Fremdsprache
IDK Philologie
Nikola Wenner
Schellingstraße 3 RG
D-80799 München
Room 114
80799 München
Postal Address:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Department I - Germanistik, Komparatistik, Nordistik, Deutsch als Fremdsprache
IDK Philologie
Nikola Wenner
Schellingstraße 3 RG
D-80799 München
+49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 1986
Studied History at the LMU Munich with a year abroad at the University of Exeter; Bachelor thesis written in 2019 with the title ‘Functions of Public Mourning in the Ancient Babylonian Period’. August 2021 Master’s Degree in Ancient History at the LMU Munich, dissertation title ‘Dur-Šarrukin and its Gods – Establishing Divine Presence at the Newly Founded Capital of the Assyrian Empire’.
Since October 2021, PhD position at the International Doctorate Program Philology, LMU Munich.
Since April 2019, fellow of the Max Weber-Programm (Elitenetzwerk Bayern).