Historisches Seminar der LMU
Alte Geschichte
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
Visiting Address: Historicum, Schellingstr. 12, Room K210
Historisches Seminar der LMU
Alte Geschichte
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
Visiting Address: Historicum, Schellingstr. 12, Room K210
+49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 2863
Curriculum Vitaecurriculum vitae
- WS 1990/91 – WS 1997/98: Studied history with a focus on ancient history (main subject), ancient oriental studies and Russian literature (minor subjects) at the University of Hamburg, graduating with a Magistra Artium degree (3/1998)
- 4 / 1998–12 / 1999: Postgraduate studies in Assyriology at the University of Leiden (NL)
- 1 / 2000–6 / 2004: PhD studies at the University of Göttingen
- 6/2004 PhD in Göttingen. Title: "Die königlichen Frauen der mesopotamischen Kulturen des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr.: Ebla, Akkadzeit, Ur III-Zeit"
- 2 / 2004–9 / 2007: Research assistant at the DFG project "Digital Cuneiform Library of Lexical Lists from Assur" in Göttingen under the direction of Prof. Dr. B. Groneberg
- 11 / 2007–12 / 2008: Research assistant of the project "Edition of cuneiform texts from Assur" of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences under the direction of Prof. Dr. S. M. Maul
- 2 / 2009–6 / 2013: research assistant at the Seminar for Languages and Cultures of the Middle East, Assyriology, Heidelberg University; DFG projects “Edition of the unpublished lexical cuneiform texts from Assur, which are in the Vorderasiatisches Museum zu Berlin” (5 / 2009–4 / 2012) and “Edition of scattered lexical cuneiform texts from Assur” (5 / 2012–6 / 2013)
- 6–9 / 2013: Research assistant of the project “Edition of cuneiform texts from Assur” of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences
- 10 / 2013-9 / 2016: research assistant and project manager at the Institute for Assyriology and Hittitology at LMU; DFG project "The Erra epic and its position in Akkadian literature" (working title)
- since 11/2016: research assistant at the Humboldt Professorship for the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East